Afghan Crisis

Afghan Resettlement Project

We launched I-ARC’s Afghan Resettlement Project to ensure robust coordination with government officials, non-profit organizations and emergency response services as we design New York State’s response to the crisis in Afghanistan. Our mission is to assist the current and future New Yorkers and ensure they have equal access to all possible benefits under current immigration laws. This is why we founded I-ARC, and we are working to ensure people in this difficult situation are connected with the appropriate legal and social services.

Our aid includes:

  • Assisting Afghans in New York with emergency legal advice to ensure they have the proper documentation to remain in the United States.

  • Helping evacuees reconnect with family members.

  • Organizing pro-bono networks with attorneys who have the necessary expertise in this moment.

  • Providing referrals to pro bono legal support.

  • Creating and disseminating resources for volunteer attorneys so as many people can receive support as possible.

  • Organizing trainings for volunteer attorneys so they have the most current legal information.

  • Connecting families with those providing relief supplies such as hygiene items, diapers, cribs and clothing.

  • Participating in federal and state advocacy efforts to ensure the needs we are identifying and working to meet are also being addressed as our elected officials look into what policies and laws are necessary to respond to this crisis.

To read more about what we’re doing to help, click here.

We are trying to raise up to $500,000 urgently for these efforts.
For large gifts or gift-matching programs, please contact Megan Eiss at