Feb. 7th Auditorium
Session 1
9:00am - 10:30am
Preserving the record for judicial review – aka surviving the next 4 years
Moderator: Heather Axford, CALA + Adj. Prof NYLS
Michelle Méndez, National Immigration Project
Session 2
10:50am - 12:20pm
Special Litigation Issues—Mandamus, Constitutional Challenges, Habeas
Moderator: Paige Austin, Make the Road NY
Linda Evarts, IRAP
Alexandra Lampert, Brooklyn Defender Services
Session 3
12:30pm - 1:30pm
The borders and barriers to asylum: Expedited Removal, In absentia, motions to reopen
Moderator: Lenni Benson, NYLS
Jodi Ziesemer, NYLAG
Trina Realmuto, National Immigration Litigation Alliance
Lunch Sessions
Two options (box lunch provided):
A) Room 301: Litigation Updates (non-gov’t only) with Trina Realmuto, Victoria Neilson
B) Aud. Level: Laura Rion, Church World Service - Update from the field, Afghans and Refugee Processing
Discussion/Q&A Facilitator: Lenni Benson (Auditorium Level)
Session 4
2:45pm - 4:15pm
Making a record for particular social group - strategies and alternatives
Moderator: Alexandra Rizio, Safe Passage Project
Dree Collopy, AILA Asylum Primer Author
Rebecca Press, Co-Counsel NY
Karen Musalo, CGRS and UCSF Law School
Session 5
4:50pm - 6:00pm
Circumvention of lawful pathways bars, third country and firm resettlement the experience so far
Moderator: Desireé Hernandez, Catholic Charities
Sayoni Maitra, LegalAid
Victoria Neilson, National Immigration Project
Edith Sangueza, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies