Highlighting Megan Eiss for Women’s Month

1.) How has working at I-ARC inspired you to think more deeply about women’s rights?

I feel that most women approach power differently than men based on how society has raised us and what spheres we live in. Working at I-ARC, and with a team of amazing women, allows the female power to come through. I also feel that our women-led member organizations focus on different parts of society than men.

2.) What does women’s history month mean to you?

Women’s history is bringing to the forefront the stories and meaningful activities that often don’t get told. For so long, the people in power were white men, and since they were the ones telling the stories, theirs got centered. By focusing on women’s stories and women’s histories, we get to hear often silenced stories. 

3.) What are some advantages or disadvantages of being a woman in your particular field?

It’s an advantage and disadvantage as a woman because you often get underestimated. People often turn to men to have the solutions and lead a team because that’s what we’ve seen. All of our presidents have been men, so they discount women’s ability to do that. It can also be an advantage because people don’t see you coming. You can use the way they underestimate you to get in some meaningful change. 

4.) What is a project you’ve worked on or overseen at I-ARC that reflects the organization’s emphasis on highlighting women?

The Afghan Resettlement project is really great because we at I-ARC were committed to bringing on someone to lead that project who had experience on the ground in Afghanistan. She has been able to know what other Afghanistan women might need, and  what women need is often different than what men need. The things that men care about systemically are different than what women care about, so they’re focused on different things. 

Megan also noted during our conversation that it is important to become, “Consciously aware of unconscious bias,” and that we must work to undo that bias for a better world.


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