Rescinding the Muslim Travel Ban

Read the full Proclamation putting an end to the Muslim Ban HERE.

Statement by Camille J. Mackler, Executive Director of the Immigrant Advocates Response Collaborative (Immigrant ARC):

““The Muslim Travel Bans were the first concrete symbol of the Trump Administration’s stance on immigration - and our reaction and opposition the first time we showed we would not accept these policies without a fight. The Biden Administration’s decision to end the bans on the first day in office not only undo untold harm to thousands of families and communities who must be made whole again, but also stands a strong and clear signal that America is open to immigrants once more. It also reminds us that as much healing as needs to be done over the next weeks, months, and years, our work - and our fight - are far from over.

As an organization, we were born out of that legal effort at JFK Airport. We carried that momentum for us over the last four years. Today’s Proclamation is in one way the end of a chapter for us, but in many more ways the beginning of a new one too. There is much work to be done in the years ahead, and our lawyer army stands as ready as ever to roll up our sleeves and continue to ensure immigrants’ legal, civil, and human rights are defended and honored as the country as a whole figures out its path forward.”


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