Janet Henner

Janet designs innovative immigration programs that help employers recruit, hire and retain fantastic talent from around the world, ensuring they remain compliant with ever-evolving immigration law. Her practice is comprised of various multinational corporations, start-ups and individuals.

Working closely with the Office of General Counsel and corporate human resource departments, Janet has counseled on due diligence considerations related to mergers, acquisitions, takeovers and downsizings, Form I-9 and H-1B/LCA compliance, as well as corporate mobility concerns affecting the employment of a global, professional workforce. She has also designed and implemented customized visa strategies and focused on immigration compliance and streamlined processes.

Prior to joining Fragomen, Janet served as an Attorney-Advisor to the Honorable Judge Joan Huddy Rosenzweig, and then as Deputy Secretary to the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals at the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges. Janet has served as an elected director of the Board of Directors of the National American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and is a past chair of its New York Chapter, where she served for four years on its executive board.

She is a frequent lecturer on business immigration topics for business and educational organizations including the New York State Bar Association, Council for Global Immigration, ILW.com and AILA.

In association with the City Bar Justice Center’s Immigrant Women & Children Project of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Janet provides pro bono representation to women seeking protection under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). In association with The Door, Janet provides pro bono counseling and advocacy services to minor children in deportation proceedings. She also coordinated and led a project with Women in Need and the New York Legal Assistance Group that helped migrants bussed into New York City—with her oversight, Fragomen helped more than 400 individuals file for asylum.


Natalia Nunez Barragan


Stephanie Euber